Coaching, Consulting, and Training You to Achieve Your Destiny
and Leave a Legacy!
"The purposes of a man's heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out." Proverbs 20:5
Kim is a professional coach and is an Associate Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation. He is also licensed with Creative Results Management to train you and your team how to coach using The Coaching Workshop and the Coach Model designed by Keith Webb (See below).
Let's Start with some good news. Your first session of coaching is absolutely free!
It is important for you to experience coaching in order to determine how valuable it will be for you. Many people don't know if they want to invest in coaching. Experiencing one session clarifies everything for them.
What is coaching anyway? (Click Here)
I provide two types of coaching:
These are private one on one sessions, and can be conducted face to face, by phone, or by Zoom. Individual coaching is client driven allowing you to set the agenda and explore the issue, with your coach asking powerful questions for personal discovery.
In summary coaching is about personal development. (Click Here)
These are sessions were a team works together on an objective. Team coaching can also be conducted face to face, by phone, or by Zoom. Team coaching may be combined with consulting at times. Fees will also be determined before the session begins in team coaching.
With a Masters Degree in Strategic Leadership, supervisor experience over six states of churches, and pastoral ministry experience for 40 years, Kim brings a trained and practical working knowledge for consultation.
What's the difference between Coaching and Consulting? (Click Here)
Consulting may include:
* Strategy Development
* Assessments
* Team Building
* Communications
* Leadership Development
* Creating an Organizational Culture
* And More...
Some people discover that a combination of coaching and consulting may work best for their situation. In some circumstances consulting for strategic design and then coaching toward the accomplishment of the goal may be a better option.
Coaching and Consulting Packages vary in how they are put together. It may involve assessments, training, time with the team, and time with key leaders. Packages can be designed on an as needed basis.
Kim is a licensed trainer with Creative Results Management and specializes in presenting "The Coaching Workshop." The workshop can be presented in one day, two day, or three day formats. Only the three day format provides credits toward coaching certification. However all formats will provide you with skills for coaching effectively.